Relational Power v1.20 is being released today (1/11/2023) to all formats and announced to the community in this Circling Guide newsletter. It’s also been released to audiobook on Apple podcasts (and hence listenable/downloadable to on any smart phone, I like Podcast Addict).
This is an important milestone for the project, the most important inflection point in the project since the first draft v1.00 was released in early December. The audio release was done using text-to-speech technology, and it’s really surprisingly good (not yet perfect). This fact alone ought to triple the book’s reach.
Equally importantly, however, I kept get on getting feedback that the introduction was awful (ouch). I finally “woke-up” and was able to re-write the introduction in a way which finally, I believe, works. Thus, v1.20 is the first commercially-viable (or professional) version of Relational Power. Woo-hoo!
At this point I am just standing back, waiting for feedback from the community, to see what the next steps are. I want at least one committed co-author before I engage too much more.
Updated in Relational Power: Crowd-Sourcing Notes and Current Status, v1.20
(Extract from Relational Power v1.20)
Relational Power is currently being crowd-sourced in terms of the writing, editing, community feedback and marketing. Also, rather than a traditional book launch, we are publishing new versions incrementally until the point the book is complete and we find a commercial publisher. You are currently reading v1.20.
[Crowd-sourcing note: when you see a bracketed note in italic in the text such as this, it is for the purpose of soliciting your feedback, dear reader, asking you a question, or alerting you to a future change in the text or content organization which other readers have suggested. These notices, along with this entire section, will disappear when the book goes to the publisher].
Here is some context of the crowd-sourcing initiative:
Marco is the primary author and project lead. He wrote and published a draft of Part 1 of Relational Power v1.00 in early December 2022, and immediately sent out the crowd-sourcing notice to the global Authentic Relating and Circling Community. The draft version received a lot of great feedback, as a result of which this edition received a significant re-write. We are now looking for at least one and maybe two more authors who would write Parts 2 and 3, more feedback from the community, along with stories and case studies of personal transformations through the practice. Later, we will need marketing assistance when the book goes to the publisher.
Why crowd-sourcing?
Marco is clear that a book about a personal development practice and a global movement for social transformation, as powerful and important as Authentic Relating and Circling, cannot be written by a single person. It needs different perspectives and it needs personal stories. We have an agenda to bring Authentic Relating and Circling more into the mainstream, through a compelling, entertaining and transformational book which can reach a mass audience.
What is the relationship between this book and Marco’s prior book on Circling?
Marco’s earlier book, the Circling and Authentic Relating Practice Guide (first published in Sept. 2017) became the most popular book on Circling within the Authentic Relating tradition. Relational Power is the sequel and has subsumed all the practical advice in the Circling Guide which relates to the Circling practice.
In contrast to the Circling Guide, the focus here is more on what we call “Authentic Relating on the street”, as a powerful tool for personal and social transformation. Perhaps even the most powerful, open-source, widely-available human transformational modality ever invented; or, as per Werner Erhard, “more than a revolution: the beginning of the transformation of the quality of life on this planet”.
Please join this project by reading this book and then sending your feedback or offers of support to Marco at [email protected] or contact through Facebook.
How do I get updates to the latest version?
You can get a free pdf download of the latest version at, listen to the latest audio version there, buy a Kindle version for $0.99, or buy the latest print version from Amazon at a reasonable cost. And then give an Amazon review. If you buy the Kindle, it should update to the latest version. The book received a major re-write at v1.20, so print versions prior to that are outdated.
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