(This article is a stub. More coming soon as this is very deep work)
There are many groups currently exploring the concept of “evolutionary relationships”. One of the basic ideas there is that we have outgrown individual methods of spiritual growth, including meditation, individual therapy, or body/mind practices such as Yoga, and are being called to something else, a type of “mutual awakening”, or to “waking up together”.
One of the most active of these groups is Patrcia Albere’s Evolutionary Collective. To quote Patricia Albere, founder of this school: “Millions of us, at this point, have done sufficient amounts of personal spiritual work and individual development and are ready to move to the next stage of awakening for humanity. Some have called it a new stage of human evolution altogether, which is moving from self-reflective, individual self-concern to an awareness of self that is more fluid, interpenetrating, simultaneously aware of self and other. We know that Unity consciousness is real, many of us have had individual momentary experiences that have changed our lives. It’s now time to enter into the experience of unity by awakening and living it together. We can access unity and live not only from a powerful sense of connectedness, but also, a surprisingly increased experience of our uniqueness”.
For more information, see www.EvolutionaryCollective.com, or read Patricia’s new book, Evolutionary Relationships.