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This chapter would not be complete without mentioning an organizational governance model called Sociocracy, which is deeply complementary to Circling, and has enormous applicability and importance in the field of organizational development.
Sociocracy can be summarized as:
- A social ideal that values equality and the rights of people to decide the conditions under which they live and work, and
- An effective method of organizing collaborative and productive organizations as associations, businesses, and governments, large and small.
In English-speaking countries, as a method of organization sociocracy is often called dynamic governance, but around the world is simply called sociocracy. Its founder called it the Sociocratic Circle-Organization Method (SCM).
Sociocracy is a whole-systems approach to designing and leading organizations. It is based on principles, methods, and a structure that creates a resilient and coherent system. It uses transparency, inclusiveness, and accountability to increase harmony, effectiveness, and productivity. Sociocracy both enforces we-space processes at the level of organization, and requires that individuals understand and practice we-space principles in order for it to be effective. As such it is highly complementary to Circling and Surrendered Leadership practices.
Sociocracy is rapidly gaining adoption, especially in organizations with a goal towards social change or conscious business. There are many online and printed resources available, including www.Sociocracy.info. Also check out We the People: Consenting to a Deeper Democracy, by John A. Buck.