Here is the process:
Your payment saves you a place in the next group, and is refundable if you change your mind or we can’t find a timing that works for you. After payment, email me your preferred timings and availability.
As soon as I get 5-6 people, I will try and schedule a group by sending out a Doodle survey with the timings that people have given me.
Groups start at the beginning of each month. Your initial commitment is for a month (4 sessions), which you can renew (or not) at the end of the month. We don’t accept drop-ins.
To understand the relationship between DC and regular circling, click here.
Payment links
If you have a Paypal account:
If you want to pay by credit card:
You can also Venmo to @marcbeneteau (or +1 603 631-4271)
Suggested donation is $15/wk ($60/mth), paid monthly upfront; but I will accept as little as $20/mth.
Appointment link
Appointment link here. Use that link if you are potentially interested in joining a group, and we haven’t met yet. Usually, your having joined one of my introduction circles is enough to qualify you, but email me if you are not sure.
Circling Masterminds intros — Please come
For upcoming donation-based introduction events, see either the A/R Facilitators Google Calendar or else our Google Calendar. Please come in order to lend your support!