Join our Global Eco-Village Network family in this fun, experiential 90-minute webinar in which you will learn how to apply the powerful practice of Authentic Relating to your community, family, business or social-change organization! Discover practical tools to create deeper, more meaningful connections in your relationships, and meet your peers engaged in a similar journey.
Please note that all Authentic Relating workshops are experiential. So go ahead and sign-up to multiple introduction events, as there will be different people every time and therefore the experience will be fresh!
Sign-up to get the zoom link and reminders:
Make sure to add the event to your calendar here.
Upcoming courses:
- Authentic Relating in Community (ARC) starts Tuesday March 4, 11:30am Eastern / 5:30pm CET for 6 weeks
- Practical Relational Leadership in Community (PRLC) starts Tuesday March 4, 2pm Eastern / 8:00pm CET for 6 weeks
Secure your spot now by attending this introductory webinar!
About Jason Digges
Jason Digges a pioneer of the Authentic Relating movement and author of Conflict = Energy. He has taught thousands worldwide how to build meaningful connections. Join him for this transformative 90-minute experience and learn from the best.
Jason is also the co-founder of ART International, now the biggest company in the world providing AR trainings. He is passionate about translating deep wisdom principles and personal growth methods for main stream audiences.
Let’s connect!
Please join our vibrant global community by signing-up to the Circling Guide mailing list, reading Jason’s Conflict = Energy, and Marco’s Relational Power.