This is just a quick “newsflash” email as there are significant events happening. I am working on the May / June edition of the Circling Guide newsletter and will send it out over the weekend. As always, if you have events or other offers of interest to the AR community, just reply to this email with the details and I will include them in the next newsletter
1. Free Introduction to Authentic Relating in Community tomorrow, Thursday May 16 at Noon Eastern / 6pm CET
I have partnered with the Global Eco-Village Network (GEN), one of the largest associations of Intentional Communities and Eco-Villages in the world, to produce a course for us called Authentic Relating in Community (or ARC). And there will be a Free 90 minute Introduction Webinar tomorrow, Thursday May 16 at Noon Eastern / 6pm CET. If you can’t attend the live webinar, sign-up anyway for the AR context-setting and we’ll send you the recording of that.
Jason Digges, the author of Conflict = Energy will be leading both the intro and the course (yay!). The course is very reasonably priced compared to similar offers ($295), and it’s also (as far as I know) the first course in the world that tackles head-on the problem of bringing AR into residential intentional community.
Authentic Relating + Intentional Community = Magic. Please join us for either the Intro webinar or the course.
I will also be offering my own course / experience called Practical Relational Leadership in Community (or PRLC), also quite reasonably priced at $295, and based on my own successful experience of building community on-the-ground here in Mexico and online. Learn a model with which you can go into any town, create powerful development groups based on Relational Inquiry (similar to Circling™), and possibly make a few bucks as well doing something that you love to do. Alternatively, read about the model in my new draft book Relational Power, which is the sequel to the Circling Guide.
2. People I like: Deborah Lukovich; and her podcast of me on Authentic Relating
Deborah Lukovich PhD, Depth Psychology Coach, Author, Blogger & Podcaster recently made a podcast of me! The podcast is about Authentic Relating, about my latest book Broke, Single, Crazy and Old, about the simple solution to the “loneliness epidemic” and much more. Listen to it on her Dose of Depth Podcast. and subscribe there. All her podcasts are good and cover the kind of topics you would expect from a Depth Psychologist and Coach, with a candor and vulnerability that is both refreshing and intriguing.
Alternatively, or in addition, download her guide Top 5 Resources for Relief & Liberation, includes ways to learn about how active imagination and exploring dreams can free parts of your unconscious that are seeking expression now. You can also schedule a free discovery call from that page, and/or subscribe to her newsletter.
(You gotta hand it to her, btw, to have created a very unique profession that she seems to be very good at it. I personally had no idea that depth psychology coaches existed. I do believe however that the world needs more of them!)
3. Month-long AR residential retreat intensives in Mexico!
Have you ever wondered what it would be like to spend a month with a “band of brothers and sisters”, AR-literate people, connecting in the we-space, having fun together, sharing projects including eating together, possibly co-creating business opportunities in the AR space and supporting each other’s health, happiness and well-being?
If so, wonder no more and make it happen! We really like this location on the shores of large Lake Chapala (near Guadalajara). Residential internships are available from June 1st and are only about $600 for the whole month including the program (plus food and transport). For details read up about Authentic Relating Village.
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