Community News – June 2022
(Lots of news here, sorry this is late, I have been somewhat checked-out since my return from Guatemala, which was a watershed experience for me)
- Authentic Revolution is transitioning due to Sara Ness resigning as CEO (Facebook post here). This is something of an industry bombshell. We don’t know for sure what programs will continue under new management, and which ones won’t. The Connect platform will probably continue (which makes me quite happy, their everyday morning small circles are wonderful). Stay tuned here for further information. In others news, Sara just finished a big European tour and had a rocking good time, by all accounts.
- CircleAnywhere is also going through some changes (details here). Specifically: price is going up for the monthly membership (although it’s still dirt-cheap for the value provided); all session now require pre-registration; and (even more interesting) they are making a free intro event available. Share with your friends!
- Circling Europe is hosting the yearly International Circling Festival in the Netherlands July 30 – Aug. 3. That will be an event for sure.
- The Circling Institute is now holding drop-in Circling in Asia/Pacific time zones! Register here for the June 25 event.
- ART International is hosting Summer of Connection. This includes The ART of Being Human Level 1 (in person) in London, California and Costa Rica; and two online versions of the same course starting June 20 or so. There is also an ART Level 1 Embodied Edition starting July 18.
- And about me: I am changing my offer from “Mastermind Circles” to 6-week courses in Relational Leadership through the art of Circling. These will be limited to 6 participants (or 12 participants with a co-lead, this will make it more interesting as breakouts are always 6 or less and will rotate) and will be very attractively priced at $150. I will also be resuming the weekly donation event. Stay tuned for details.
Join me for an 8-week Masculine Mastery Course starting this Sunday June 12
I recently attended a webinar with Guy Shahar of the Tantra Institute of New York and signed-up on the spot for his 8 week course Masculine Mastery. You can read more of my story around this here, and also watch the very compelling 7 minute video of how “Rocky” redefined success.