This will be a bit brief as I am in Guatemala without much bandwidth, emotional or data-wise.
- SeekHealing and Jason Digges are joining up to offer a 12-week professional training called Listening Training II: Facilitate the healing power. If you don’t know about SeekHealing, you should. They have been applying Authentic Relating to addiction/trauma recovery and “deaths of depair” for at least 4 years, and I am guessing this training is the long-awaited push to take the program national (it started in Asheville NC). It’s a course for all Social Health Professionals, and particularly if you would like to start a SeekHealing center in your locality, or bring AR into your work as a social worker or addiction specialist. Also the price is very reasonable compared to similar trainings ($1500).
- ART International continues innovating. Check out ART Level 1: Nature Edition ~ April 2 & 3 in Joshua Tree, CA (man, I wish I could be there), The Authentic Woman starting April 20, The ART of Authentic Dating starting March 31, and more
- The Circling Institute is also doing interesting things.This already happened, Dia-Logos & The Circling Method, with John Vervaeke. It peaked my curiosity because I am beginning to see Circling as a container for any kind of wisdom conversation. I heard good reports about that workshop
From the blog: Circling Evangelist hits the streets in Guatemala: successes and humblings
In late January I traveled to Guatemala on a 3-month adventure that is ongoing. The location is a village called San Marcos La Laguna, Lake Atitlan, 4-5 hours west of Guatemala City. I went because I had enough of Covid restrictions and wanted to practice building community on-the-ground. It was also time for a new adventure. I left behind my Little House on the Prairie in which I was physically very content, but yearning for more connection.
As a bit of context here, San Marcos is one of the half-dozen most popular “consciousness hot-spots” on the planet, in the sense of being havens for people looking for fun and transformation: professional travelers, hippies, new-agers, consciousness entrepreneurs, crypto geeks and libertarians, etc. (the other places include Bali, Koh Phangan in Thailand, Pisac Peru, and Mazunte Mexico where I will be heading in the final month for a yoga retreat). There are transformational and networking events happening here all day, every day, despite it being a quite small village. These events include AR and now Circling. ART International ran a Level 1 here in early January.
Continue reading on the Circling Guide Blog…
Community News – March 2022
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