Because we are starting late in the formation of new circles, I am offering them for free in December. The ideal commitment is for 3 months, but it’s fine if you just want to come for one cycle (practically speaking, that would be 2-3 circles as we’ll start in the 3rd week of December)
Why am I doing this?
Well, mostly for networking purposes, fun, and transformation. I enjoy hanging out with people who are passionate about AR practices, see the potential for personal and social transformation, and want to bring AR into the world. I am especially interested in bringing AR into intentional community (especially land-based community), mental health, and sexuality, and joining with people who are also thus inspired; but I believe there is no area of life that can’t benefit from this. Our families, work-places and communities come to mind. Not to mention our crazy politics (at least in the US).
The process is as follows:
- Register your commitment by subscribing to my Patreon at $60/mth (nobody will be turned-away for lack of funds – write to me). Patreon bills at the 1st of the month, so if you don’t want to continue in January, just cancel or downgrade your subscription.
- I will send you a Doodle poll with available times (for new groups forming) or existing timings (for already-running groups that are still open). If we can’t find a timing that works for you, you can cancel your subscription.
- Groups meet weekly for 90-120 minutes and are limited to 6 people.
- The root context of a Circling Mastermind is Circling, so some experience in Circling is optimal; but if not, you will learn the basics fast enough (it’s an “infinite game” but we all “start where we are”).
Are you interested but on the fence? Then book an appointment with me or else come to one of the weekly circles offered as part of the AR Facilitators Facebook group. Those groups are currently Thursdays at 2pm Eastern, but note that a 1-hour drop-in group may not get to the depth of a 90-120 minutes committed group.
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