Donation-based Circling Masterminds intro on Sunday Dec. 27, 2-3:30pm EST
I am offering a Donation-based Introductions to Circling Masterminds on Sunday Dec. 27, from 2-3:30pm EST. Register on EventBrite.
If you have already experienced Circling, you know how powerful it can be for getting into connection with people. Circling Masterminds builds on the fundamental Circling practice in helping you to build a team, a tribe, a dependable support network. And who can’t use that, these days?
Circling Masterminds looks pretty much like any other type of Circling, with the exception that we pay more attention to time constraints, like to hear everybody’s voice at each round (especially check-ins, aliveness round, and check-outs), encourage the sharing of developmental goals, and prefer to run them in private (committed) groups. This introduction is, obviously, not a private group, but we will try to model the structure for you. This includes breaking out to the optimal group size if necessary, which is 6 participants. The room will be locked 5 minutes after the hour, so don’t be late.
More information at The intros are a “taster” for the closed groups which are now forming, but are designed to be a full, nourishing experience. If you think you would like to be part of a private group, review this link and then book a free appointment with me.
This event will be led by Marco Beneteau, author of the Circling and Authentic Relating Practice Guide, and associates. To be notified of future events, please subscribe to the website, or like our Facebook page
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